siyes... i miss my home
siyes... i really need fresh air
siyes... i feel like to cry
siyes... i have unnamed feeling
siyes... i'm alone and lonely
siyes... i keep thinking of u
siyes... i wanna go home
siyes... i'm desperate
siyes... i need money
siyes... i'm wondering, what happen between us
siyes... i don't want "sejarah berulang"
siyes... i hope people could understand
siyes... i'm so sad right now
siyes... i'm pretending to be happy
siyes... i need to find peaceful moment
siyes... i'm in dilemma
siyes... i couldn't make any decisions yet
siyes... i think u can survive without me
siyes... i want to run away from this things
siyes... i miss the moments in Germany
siyes... i don't know whats gonna happen next
siyes... my heart is going to.......
siyes... my life is tunggang langgang
siyes... my mind is full with thought
siyes... what should i do??
siyes... siyes... siyes... siyes...
i'm thinking to hurt myself