Ach sOo.. Actually aku xtau lar ssgt psai men2 tagged nie. Bgi aku, mmg xdak kje lar ssgt org yg dok tagged2 org nie.. Kn bagus wat bnda2 berpaedah skit. Ada mkna lgi tue. Hehehehe!!! :-P.. Ppe pon, aku nk try lar jgak jwb soklan org yg tagged aku tue xspclly ijad lar.. Byk sgt dia tagged aku, tp aku wat bodo jer. Haha!! (jgn marah ijad).. So, nie aku jwb tagged kau tue k.. Just between u and me.. :-)
1. What is the relationship of u and him/her?Hmmm.. Mesti lar aku ngn ijad
KAWAN + SAHABAT + RAKAN + TEMAN TP MESRA (Hahaha).. Kdang2 aku anggp dia as my Family tOo, my little brother (wlaupun dia bsar lgi dri aku, tp aku lhir dlu dri dia).. Hehehe!!! :-P
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her- aggresiv (pnh bgusti ngn dia.. Nk mti aku d krjaknnya.. Huhu!!)
- manja (mmg ssgt.. mngalahkn aku.. Hahaha!!!)
- jeles (bila aku ngn buddy.. Hahaha!!!)
- cikit hndsome + cool (tp ak lbih macho lgi.. kan2!!)
- last but not least, lok laq (kan ijad kan.. jgn xngaku plak.. hehe!!)
3. The most memorable thing that he/she had done for/to u- Hehehe!! Xdan cter dh gelak dlu.. Kui3x!! Aku ingt lgi tyme mlm msuk besday aku kt IPBA.. Smpai kliling IPBA dia kjar aku cOz aku mlarikan dri drp kna somthing tyme my besday.. Hahaha!!! :-)..
- Pnah men cakar2 ngn dia.. Fuhhh!! Dsyat ksannya.. Pnuh stu bdan aku ksan mrah ckar & lbam2.. Mcm kna dera jer.. Huhuhu!!!
- rsanya mcm byk lgi jer.. Tp xbrapa nk ingt.. Hehehe!!! :-P
4. The most memorable things that he/she said to uHe said that i'm his
BESTFRIENDZ.. I'm soo glad to hear that.. Thankz ijad!!!
5. If she/he become your lover, u'll...Eiiiiiiii!!! Sowie skit.. Xnak songsang aku.. Hehehe!! :-P
6. If he/she become your enemy, u'll...I hope ssgt nOt to happend coz i dont want be enemy with my beloved frndz... It make me feel soo bad!!! Huhuhu!!! :-(
7. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on his/her...Never happend!!! :-P
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...BUDDY!! Hahahaha!!! :-P.. Dia slalue mrah aku dkt & syg2 mnja ngn BUDDY.. Kui3x!!! :-P.. Cian BUDDY, jdi mngsa keadaan.. :-P
9. The most desirable to do on him/her is...Hmmm.. Ntah lar.. Klau leh, aku sntiasa nk jdi teman dia di kla dia duka, sedih, lonely etc.. I always be here for him when he need me.. Itu lar gnanya ada kwan.. Kan2!!!
10. The overall impression on him/her is...A nice friend with a lot of humor & manja2.. Hehehe!!! :-P
11. How do u think the people around u will think about u?Hohoho!! Dont noe what to say lar... Just ask the people around me.. Hehehe!! But i hope, they'll always think positive about me.. When u people have somthing that u think i might not soo good, just tell me direkt k.. (not all people perfekt) Hehehe!!! :-)
12. The character of u for urself is...Hmmmm.. Klau nk tlis nie, byk ssgt lar.. Pnuh blog pon xckup lgi. Hehehe!! Btw, the most important thing, friends for me everything.. Klau btoi2 org yg ak anggap sbgai kwn, akn aku wat per sja for them as long as they happy. Xksah smada aku happy atau x.. Aku snggu b'korban for friends.. Huhuhuhu!! (terharu x?)
13. The character that u hate on yourself is...Hmmmm.. Aper yekk.. Mybe aku xbrapa nk bergaul ngn org kot & aku tkut utk ckp dlm klas auf Deutsch.. Huhuhu!!!
14. The most ideal person that u want to be is...Hndsome + smart lgi bgaya.. Hahaha!!! Hmpeh!! :-P.. Ppe pon, aku nk jdi org yg bguna & membanggakan mak bapak aku sntiasa.. Huhuhu!!!
15. For the people who like u, say something to them...Xspccly gurls.. I still single & availble.. Hahaha!! Promote dri plak.. Xleh blahh!! Ppe pon, thankz a lot coz love & like me.. :-)
16. Ten people to tag...Aku xnak tag sspe pon.. Mlas!! Hehehe!! So, stkat ini lar sja yekk.. Dh xdak ppe lgi nk d jwab.. Thankz for the view...
p/s: IJAD, klau kau bca nie, nie lar kau bgi aku.. Jgn mrah yek!! Hehe!! Rsanya byk lgi, tp private lar kan.. Hehehe!! :-P..